Personal Walking Guides
By booking a Personal Walking Guide, you can choose where and when you walk, rather than being limited by our published walk schedule. For some walks, in addition to choosing the walk and the date, you can also pick your own start time, and even choose from a range of available start points.
All of our scheduled walks are also available via a Personal Walking Guide on days other than those on which they are already scheduled, but you also get access to a number of exclusive walks not available via our usual schedule.
For a small additional charge, we can also create a customised walk especially for you, allowing you to visit areas or specific places we do not normally include in our walks.
By combining several scheduled walks, Personal Walking Guide bookings and customised walks, you can even design your own personalised short break walking holiday.
What Walks Are Available?
You can make a Personal Walking Guide booking on a date of your own choosing for any of our normal scheduled walks, as listed here. Remember - You don't have to stick to the scheduled dates, and can request a booking on any date you choose as long as we have a guide available for that date.
You can also book any of the exclusive walks that are only available by booking a Personal Walking Guide, details of which can be found here.
Details of how to book a customised walk can be found here.
When Are Personal Walking Guides Available?
Personal walking guides may be booked at any time of year except for our Christmas break period, other staff holidays, or while we are busy with other committments. However, some walks do not take place from December to late March due to the possibilty of bad weather, insufficient light, or other factors beyond our control.
Full details of guide availability can be found on the individual walk pages, and also in the "Latest News" section at the bottom of this page.
Can We Change The Start Time Of Our Walk?
For many walks, you can choose what time you would like to start the walk. This allows you to start at a time that is most convenient to you.
Please note that there are some limitations on the available start times for most walks, mainly due to the timing of public transport or the need to finish the walk before it gets dark. These limitations are detailed on the individual walk pages. If you have any questions about possible start times, please contact us for more information.
Are There Any Limits On Group Size?
The normal maximum group size for a Personal Walking Guide booking is 10 people (a maximum of 6 for the Cromford Canal walk due to restricted space on the canal towpath). However, on some of the walks, it is possible to accomodate groups of up to 30 people. If you wish to book a walk for a group of over 10 people, please contact us well in advance to discuss your requirements as some minor adjustments to the route of the walk may be needed, or alternative start and finish points organised that are suitable for private coaches.
How Much Does A Booking Cost?
The cost of a Personal Walking Guide booking is a flat fee per group, rather than a set rate per person, and varies from walk to walk. The exact cost of a Personal Walking Guide booking for a particular walk is listed on the individual walk pages. The cost of any Personal Walking Guide booking includes a non-refundable deposit, which is typically between 15% and 25% of the full cost of the walk.
Depending on the size of your group, a Personal Walking Guide booking can actually work out cheaper per person that booking a scheduled walk on the same date.
Are There Any Discounts Available?
Yes - If you book 3 or more days, your booking will qualify for our 15% discount on multiple bookings. Your booking can also qualify for the 10% discount for bookings made via registered charities or unions. For full details of our special offers, please click
here. (Link opens in a new window.)
How To Book A Personal Walking Guide
To book a Personal Walking Guide, first check the individual walk information page to confirm that the walk you would like to book is available on the day in question, as not every walk is available all of the time. Then check the Latest News section below and our calendar (opens in new window) to see if we have a guide available on the date you wish to book. If the walk is available and we have a guide available, then simply e-mail us to request a booking. Please include the following information in your e-mail:
- Name of walk.
- Date you would like to book (plus alternatives if required).
- Number of places required.
- Start time required (see walk information pages for available options).
- Start/end location if different from standard (again, see walk information pages for options).
- Contact name, address, e-mail and phone number (mobile if possible).
- Where you will be staying if visiting the area from elsewhere.
We will usually respond to your e-mail within 24 to 48 hours to confirm if we are able to accept your booking. If we are able to accept your booking, we will also include information on how to pay for your booking securely via PayPal. If you are unable to use PayPal, we can arrange alternative payment methods such as by online banking or even cheque. Once we have received cleared payment for your booking, we will then e-mail your booking confirmation and all other information you require concerning your booking. Due to the time required to process your booking, please book at least 72 hours in advance, but the further ahead you can book, the more chance you have of getting the date you desire.
Latest News
- We do not have any Personal Walking Guides available for the following dates in 2025: January 8th, 13th, 20th and 30th. February 1st, 12th and 17th. March 3rd, 10th, 12th and 17th. April 5th, 9th, 21st and 27th. May 3rd, 4th, 11th, 14th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 21st and 25th. June 7th, 8th, 11th, 16th and 22nd. July 9th and 21st. August 2nd, 3rd, 13th, 17th, 18th and 31st. September 10th, 15th, 21st and 26th. October 4th, 5th, 8th and 20th. November 12th and 17th. December 6th, 10th, 15th and 20th to 31st. We also do not have any Personal Walking Guides available for the morning of March 10th, or for any afternoons on the second Saturday of each month.
- Personal Walking Guides are currently available for all other dates during 2025, and provisionally available for all dates from January 4th 2026 onwards.
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